Employee T&C
Updated on : 18 January, 2022
BlockTing Pvt. Ltd. is referred to as Company & Employer.
- These Terms and conditions supersedes any previous version of the Terms and conditions. This agreement may be modified at any time, without any written notice, employees can always access the latest version of these terms and conditions on BlockTing.com.
- The Employee agrees that he or she will faithfully and to the best of their ability to carry out the duties and responsibilities communicated to them by the Employer. The Employee shall comply with all company policies, rules and procedures at all times.
- As an Employee, you will have access to confidential information that is the property of the Employer. You are not permitted to disclose this information outside of the Company.
- During your time of Employment with the BlockTing Pvt. Ltd., you may not engage in any work for another Employer that is related to or in competition with the Company.
- The Employee will not, while an employee of the Company, and for a period of three years following the termination of his or her employment, directly himself/herself or indirectly himself/herself or assisting any person or entity in any way, or attempt to (with exception to work via BlockTing Pvt. Ltd.), engage in working with Company’s previous, existing clients or potential clients(To whom Employee is Introduced via Company).
- This contract shall be governed, interpreted, and construed in accordance with the laws of Jalandhar, Punjab, IN.